Saturday 28 September 2019

Solo Shot 35

Photo taken at Cliff's of Moher, Co. Clare Ireland in September 2019 with Lumix G9 with Leica lens 12-60mm.

I won't be talking much about this photo and about this trip because I have a huge amount of photos from the Cliffs. I'll, eventually, do a post about the Cliffs where I spent literally over 5h shooting. Unfortunately, I have no aerial shots because drones are not allowed and even if they were, it was extremely windy so (so windy that the water that would normally fall down the cliffs, was coming up!!!) I wouldn't be able to fly it.
This photo was only a macro experience and because you can't identify the location I decided to post it as a Solo Shot. Do you like it?

Saturday 7 September 2019

Solo Shot 34

Photo taken at Ireland's Eye, Dublin, Ireland in July 2019 with Lumix G9 with Leica lens 12-60mm.

On my second visit to Ireland's Eye, I went on a mission to collect footage of an old church that there is on the island. The walk to that church is made between high bushes surrounded by those beautiful purple flowers and of course, nearly every flower had a bee and eventually, they got used to my presence and allowed me to get closer and take some of my first macro photos! This is the best one!